Safe Guarding

Our safeguarding policies have been produced in accordance with the intercollegiate document safeguarding children and young people (2010)

The Children’s Act (1989) (2004) 

Working together to safeguard Children (2010)

Every child matters (2010)

The NSF for children young people and maternity services ( 2004)

The Lamming report (2003) (2009)

Data protection (1998)

Human Rights Act (1998)

The department of Health’s No Secrets Guidance (DH 2000a) advises all local authorities in England to ensure arrangements for the provision of a multi agency policy to protect vulnerable adults.  

This is provided through Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Multi Agency Policy and Procedure (Lancashire Social Services 2008 – available at

Additionally the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS 2005) developed a national framework of standards of good practice.

Bespoke Healthcare’s policy is in line with and follows the principles and agreed protocols set out in Lancashire Safeguarding Children’s procedure and the Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Multi Agency Policy and Procedure (LSS 2008).  

The policy should be read in conjunction with Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Multi Agency Policy and Procedure, the aims of which are to encourage effective joint working across the vast range of agencies involved with vulnerable people and their carers, to ensure their protection from abuse.

In addition all staff have a duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism ( previously known as Prevent) this now forms part of the safeguarding agenda in order to support recognition in the pre criminal space. 

Bespoke Healthcare is committed to advancing safeguarding adults and children by proactively ensuring that:

  • Senior board members have knowledge, skills and expertise or experience to take leadership responsibility for Bespoke Healthcare safeguarding arrangements
  • Safe recruitment, selection and contractual procedures including criminal records checks
  • Clear whistleblowing procedures and a culture to encourage staff to raise concerns
  • Appropriate staff supervision and support, including mandatory safeguarding training
  • Culture of listening to and consulting with adults
  • Culture of safety, equality, diversity and protection
  • Arrangements to share information with other organisations
  • A designated safeguarding lead, supported to fulfil these responsibilities