Pain Management at Greater Lancashire Hospital

Expert care for your Pain Management

At Greater Lancashire Hospital, we provide pain management services for chronic pain conditions.

Our expert doctors specialise in pain medicine and offer comprehensive assessments through detailed consultations and examinations, utilising the latest medical technologies and evidence-based treatments.

Our services cover various conditions such as neck and arm pain, shoulder pain, facial pain, and thoracic spinal pain. We provide personalised advice and guidance on effectively managing each specific clinical condition with compassion and care.

View our pain management treatments…


Occipital nerve blocks

We offer occipital nerve blocks as a treatment option for certain types of headaches, such as migraines or occipital neuralgia. This procedure involves injecting a local anaesthetic and steroid around the occipital nerves at the base of the skull to help alleviate pain.

Cervical nerve root injections

We offer cervical nerve root injections as a treatment option for certain types of headaches, such as tension headaches or headaches caused by cervical spine problems. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around the cervical nerves in the neck to help alleviate pain.

Stellate ganglion blocks

We offer stellate ganglion blocks as a treatment option for certain types of headaches, such as cluster headaches or migraines. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around the stellate ganglion in the neck to help alleviate pain.

Sphenopalatine ganglion topical blocks

We offer sphenopalatine ganglion topical blocks as a treatment option for certain types of headaches, such as cluster headaches or migraines. This procedure involves administering an anesthetic and/or steroid to the sphenopalatine ganglion, located behind the nose, to help alleviate pain.

Injection of Botox

We offer Botox injections as a treatment option for chronic migraines. This procedure involves injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into specific muscles in the head and neck to help prevent the release of certain chemicals that cause pain and inflammation associated with migraines.

Facial Pains

Stellate ganglion blocks

We offer stellate ganglion blocks as a treatment option for certain types of facial pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia or facial pain caused by nerve damage. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around the stellate ganglion in the neck to help alleviate pain in the face.

Isolated nerve blocks

we offer isolated nerve blocks as a treatment option for certain types of facial pain, such as occipital neuralgia or facial pain caused by nerve damage.

This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around a specific nerve in the face to help alleviate pain in that area.

Depending on the location of the pain, our expert consultants can determine which nerve block is appropriate for your specific case and provide tailored treatment options to help manage your symptoms.

Neck & Arm Pains

Thoracic facet joint injections

We provide thoracic facet joint injections to help alleviate thoracic spinal pain. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the facet joint of the spine, which can provide long-lasting pain relief by reducing inflammation and irritation in the area.

Thoracic facet joint radiofrequency ablation

We offer thoracic facet joint radiofrequency ablation to treat thoracic spinal pain. This minimally invasive procedure involves using radio waves to heat and destroy the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals in the thoracic facet joints, providing lasting pain relief.

Thoracic nerve root blocks

We offer thoracic nerve root blocks to help alleviate thoracic spinal pain caused by nerve irritation or inflammation. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the space around the spinal nerves to reduce pain and inflammation.

Intercostal nerve blocks

We provide intercostal nerve blocks to treat thoracic spinal pain. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication around the intercostal nerves that run between the ribs, which can help alleviate pain caused by conditions such as intercostal neuralgia or post-herpetic neuralgia.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder joint injections

Shoulder joint injections involve injecting medication directly into the shoulder joint to reduce inflammation and pain. This can be helpful for those with shoulder arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, and other shoulder conditions.

Suprascapular nerve blocks

Suprascapular nerve blocks involve injecting medication into the suprascapular nerve, which is responsible for providing sensation to the shoulder joint. This can be useful for those with chronic shoulder pain due to injury or inflammation.

Superficial trunk blocks

Superficial trunk blocks involve injecting medication into the nerves that run along the surface of the shoulder. This can be helpful for those with chronic pain in the shoulder, neck, or upper back.

Spinal accessory nerve blocks

Spinal accessory nerve blocks involve injecting medication into the spinal accessory nerve, which supplies the trapezius muscle in the shoulder and upper back. This can be useful for those with chronic pain or tension in the trapezius muscle.

Thoracic Spinal Pains

Thoracic facet joint injections

We offer cervical facet joint injections as a treatment option for neck and arm pain caused by problems with the facet joints in the cervical spine. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid into the affected joint to help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Thoracic facet joint radiofrequency ablation

We offer cervical facet joint radiofrequency ablation as a treatment option for chronic neck and arm pain caused by problems with the facet joints in the cervical spine. This procedure involves using radiofrequency waves to destroy the nerves that supply the affected joint, which can provide long-lasting pain relief.

Thoracic nerve root blocks

We offer cervical nerve root injections as a treatment option for neck and arm pain caused by problems with the nerves that exit the cervical spine. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid around the affected nerve to help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Intercostal nerve blocks

We offer cervical epidurals as a treatment option for neck and arm pain caused by problems with the nerves that exit the cervical spine. This procedure involves injecting a local anesthetic and steroid into the epidural space around the affected nerve to help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Chronic Chest Pain (refractory angina)

Stellate ganglion blocks

Stellate ganglion blocks are a pain management procedure offered at Greater Lancashire Hospital that can help alleviate chronic chest pain, also known as refractory angina. 

This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the stellate ganglion nerves located in the neck. 

The stellate ganglion nerves play a key role in regulating blood flow to the heart, and by blocking these nerves, blood flow to the heart can increase, reducing chest pain. 

Stellate ganglion blocks have been shown to provide long-lasting pain relief for patients with refractory angina.

Chest Wall Pains

Intercostal nerve blocks

Intercostal nerve blocks are a minimally invasive procedure used to alleviate chest wall pain. During the procedure, a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication is injected around the intercostal nerves that run between the ribs. This can provide effective pain relief by reducing inflammation and irritation in the affected area.

Musculoskeletal trigger point injections

Musculoskeletal trigger point injections involve the injection of a local anesthetic and steroid medication into trigger points, or areas of muscle spasm, in the chest wall. This procedure can help relieve chest wall pain caused by muscle strain or injury.

Myofascial trigger point injections

Myofascial trigger point injections involve the injection of a local anesthetic and steroid medication into trigger points in the fascia, or connective tissue, in the chest wall. This can help relieve chest wall pain caused by myofascial pain syndrome, a chronic pain condition characterised by the presence of trigger points in the fascia.

Abdominal Pains

Abdominal wall trigger point injections

Abdominal wall trigger point injections are a minimally invasive procedure that can help alleviate abdominal pain caused by trigger points in the muscles of the abdominal wall. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the trigger point, which can reduce pain and inflammation in the area.

Rectus sheath blocks

Rectus sheath blocks are a type of nerve block that can be used to alleviate abdominal pain caused by conditions such as hernias or inflammation of the abdominal wall. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the space between the rectus abdominis muscle and the posterior rectus sheath, which can provide long-lasting pain relief. Rectus sheath blocks can also be used to provide pain relief after abdominal surgery.

Lower spine & leg pains? (sciatica)

Lumbar facet joint injections

This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the facet joint of the spine to help alleviate lower back and leg pain caused by inflammation and irritation in the facet joints.

Lumbar facet joint radiofrequency ablation

This minimally invasive procedure involves using radio waves to heat and destroy the nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals in the lumbar facet joints. This can provide long-lasting pain relief for lower back and leg pain caused by arthritis or other degenerative conditions.

Lumbar nerve root injections

This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication around the nerves that exit the spinal column, which can help alleviate pain caused by nerve irritation or inflammation.

Lumbar/caudal/transforaminal epidural

This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the epidural space of the lower back to reduce inflammation and pain caused by conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or sciatica.

Lumbar muscle trigger point injections

This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into trigger points in the muscles of the lower back to help alleviate pain caused by muscle spasms or tension. It can be effective in treating lower back and leg pain associated with conditions such as sciatica or piriformis syndrome.

Pelvic Pains

Caudal Epidural

A caudal epidural is a minimally invasive procedure that can help alleviate pelvic pain caused by inflammation or pressure on the nerves in the lower back and pelvis. During the procedure, a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication is injected into the epidural space in the lower spine, providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Sacral nerve blocks

Sacral nerve blocks are also available at Greater Lancashire Hospital to help treat pelvic pain.

This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication around the sacral nerves, which can provide pain relief and reduce inflammation in the pelvic region. 

The sacral nerves are responsible for providing sensation and control to the lower body, and blocking them can help alleviate pain and other symptoms.

Joint pains

Isolated joint injections (hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankle joints)

Isolated joint injections are a type of pain management treatment provided by Greater Lancashire Hospital to help alleviate joint pain. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the affected joint, which can provide long-lasting pain relief by reducing inflammation and irritation in the area. 

It can be used for various joints in the body such as hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and ankle joints, and is particularly helpful in cases where joint pain is due to arthritis or injury. 

The injections can also improve mobility and function, allowing patients to resume their daily activities with less pain and discomfort.

Painful Hands

Carpal tunnel injection

Greater Lancashire Hospital offers carpal tunnel injections as a treatment for painful hands caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of local anesthetic and steroid medication into the carpal tunnel, which can provide relief by reducing inflammation and pressure on the median nerve.

Carpal Tunnel Release

At Greater Lancashire Hospital, we provide carpal tunnel release as a surgical option for patients with severe or persistent carpal tunnel syndrome. 

This minimally invasive procedure involves making a small incision in the wrist and cutting the carpal ligament to relieve pressure on the median nerve and improve hand function. 

Our experienced specialists use the latest techniques and technologies to perform carpal tunnel release with minimal scarring and a quick recovery time.

Painful Feet

Plantar fascia trigger point injections

We offer plantar fascia trigger point injections, which involve injecting a local anesthetic and steroid mixture into specific trigger points in the foot to reduce pain and inflammation.

Plantar fascia radiofrequency ablation

We also provide plantar fascia radiofrequency ablation, a minimally invasive procedure that uses heat energy to target the nerves causing pain in the foot.

Experience compassionate care in a welcoming environment

Our top consultants ensure you receive the highest level of care.

Your safety is our top priority, and we maintain strict cleanliness to prevent infections.

Experience compassionate care in a welcoming environment

Our top consultants ensure you receive the highest level of care.

Your safety is our top priority, and we maintain strict cleanliness to prevent infections.

Dedicated support staff available to guide you every step of the way.

We partner with NHS Trusts and private patients to deliver fast, high-quality day care.

Convenient and free parking available right at our doorstep.

Dedicated support staff available to guide you every step of the way.

We partner with NHS Trusts and private patients to deliver fast, high-quality day care.

Convenient and free parking available right at our doorstep.

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